Breast Procedures

A Personal Journey

Every woman has her own reasons for considering changing her breasts. Whether it’s enlarging your breasts, lifting them or reducing their size, it’s natural to want to improve yourself. Breast surgery isn’t just a way to change how you look, it represents a transformation in how you feel about yourself and your body.


Types of Procedures


Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is a popular surgical procedure that involves the use of implants or fat transfer to enhance the size and shape of a patient’s breasts.

While the average plastic surgeon performs just 35 breast augmentations a year, Dr. Hedi completes over 200 implant surgeries annually by comparison. She is a specialist in the field, highly knowledgeable, and a caring professional who is interested in the wellness of her patients as well as optimal results for their specific body type.

When it comes to deciding on the perfect implant for your surgery, considering which one is right for you is crucial. The various types of implants are named based on their content. Saline implants contain saline, which is sterile saltwater, while silicone implants are filled with liquid silicone gel. It's important to note that all breast implants have a solid silicone shell, regardless of their filling. In your consultation with Dr. Hedi, you'll have the opportunity to explore the advantages of each implant type and receive a personalized recommendation.

Video Overview with Dr. Hedi


What’s involved in a breast augmentation procedure?


During a breast augmentation surgery, an incision is made either around the areola or in the fold underneath the breast. The surgeon then creates a pocket under the pectoral muscle, and a breast implant is inserted into this pocket. The implant is usually filled with saline solution or silicone gel.  Saline implants are filled with saline (sterile saltwater), and silicone implants are filled with liquid silicone gel. Regardless of what breast implants are filled with, they all have a solid silicone shell.


Once the implant is placed correctly, Dr. Hedi ensures symmetry and balance before closing the incisions with sutures. The patient is then moved to the recovery area, where they are closely monitored as they wake up from anesthesia.


The length of a breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on several factors, such as the specific surgical technique used and the complexity of the case. Typically, the procedure can take around one to two hours to complete.


If you are interested in this procedure you will need to set up a consultation with Dr. Hedi. She will speak with you in-depth about your goals and be able to set realistic expectations. You’ll learn about the types of implants available, and try on multiple breast sizers to determine the best implant for your body type. You’ll also have a chance to view before and after photos of her previous patients.

Please note: If you are over 40, you will need a current mammogram to proceed with surgery.

What should I expect in terms of recovery after breast augmentation?


You are not to be left alone for the first 24-48 hours following surgery and will need about 2-4 weeks of “downtime”. During this time, you may experience swelling, soreness, and discomfort. Most patients can resume light activities within a few days, but it can take a few weeks for the swelling to subside completely.

Dr. Hedi will provide specific recovery instructions tailored to your specific situation. These may include wearing a surgical bra or compression garment, avoiding strenuous activities, and refraining from lifting heavy objects for a few weeks.

Pain medication will be prescribed to manage any postoperative discomfort. It’s common to experience some level of pain, swelling, and tenderness initially, but these symptoms should gradually subside over time.


Breast Lift

A breast lift is necessary when age and life experiences change the shape and firmness of your breasts. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed and the nipple is repositioned for a more aesthetic appearance. Often an implant is also necessary for achieving optimum results.

Patients who are generally satisfied with the size of their breasts can have a breast lift to firm and create a more youthful breast contour. If you are unhappy with the volume of your breast, implants might be used in conjunction with a breast lift. Implants can increase breast size at the same time as the shape and position of the breasts are enhanced.

Video Overview with Dr. Hedi


What’s involved in a breast lift procedure?


During a breast lift surgery, the surgeon makes various incisions to reshape and lift the breasts. The specific technique used will depend on the individual’s unique anatomy and desired outcome. The surgeon may remove excess skin, reposition the nipple and areola to a higher position, and lift the underlying breast tissue to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance.


The incisions are usually made around the areola, extending downward to the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease.  Once the necessary adjustments are made, Dr. Hedi will close the incisions with sutures.

A breast lift typically takes between 2 to 4 hours to complete. The exact duration can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and any additional surgeries being performed simultaneously, such as breast augmentation.


During your consultation, Dr. Hedi will provide you with detailed information about this procedure, as well as discuss your specific goals, manage expectations, and address any other concerns you may have.

What should I expect in terms of recovery after a breast lift?


The recovery time for a breast lift surgery will vary on the patient and the extent of the procedure or procedures. In general, most patients can expect a recovery period of around 1 to 2 weeks before they can resume normal daily activities.  No working out or strenuous activities for 4-6 weeks. 


However, keep in mind that complete healing and achieving the final desired results after a breast lift surgery may take several months. 


During the initial recovery period, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. Dr. Hedi will provide you with specific post-operative care instructions to facilitate your recovery and aftercare.


Breast Reduction

Disproportionately large and heavy breasts can often negatively impact a woman's self-esteem. A breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty) is a surgical procedure to remove excessive tissue from the breast, lift the breast to a higher position on the chest wall, and reshape the size and placement of the nipple and areola.

What’s involved in a breast reduction procedure?


During a breast reduction surgery, we begin by administering anesthesia to ensure that the patient is comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. Dr. Hedi will then make incisions on the breasts, usually in a keyhole or anchor-shaped pattern, to remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin. The nipples may also be repositioned to achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Once the excess tissue is removed, Dr. Hedi  will reshape the remaining breast tissue, lift the breasts, and resize the areolas if necessary. The incisions are then carefully closed, typically using stitches.

Breast reduction surgery aims to reduce the size and weight of the breasts, alleviate discomfort associated with overly large breasts, and achieve a more balanced and proportionate breast appearance.

On average, a breast reduction surgery can take around 2 to 4 hours to complete. Of course, the actual duration of a breast reduction surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the specific technique used, the complexity of the procedure, and the individual patient’s needs.

During your consultation, Dr. Hedi will be able to provide you with any additional information you may need on this procedure, as well as address any questions or concerns. She will also discuss your specific goals and be able to set expectations in regards to your desired outcome.

What should I expect in terms of recovery after breast reduction?


This is one of the least intrusive surgeries performed in our facility and most patients return to normal work duties within 3 weeks.


You will see immediate results following your reduction surgery but remember, it can take months for the swelling to resolve completely and the scarring to fade. We do provide a post-surgery scar cream to all surgical patients and that can help speed the process of decreasing the appearance of scarring.


During the initial days of recovery, you will likely experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising. You will need to wear a surgical bra or compression garment for several weeks to support the healing process and reduce swelling. Strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a few weeks to allow the treated area to heal properly.


Dr. Hedi will provide you with specific post-operative care instructions as well as pain medication to manage any pain or discomfort. It’s important to schedule and attend your follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, remove any stitches or drains if necessary, and assess your overall healing.

Ready for the next step?

Discuss your individual goals with a caring and attentive professional today. We want you to feel heard, informed and confident about your beauty decisions.