Arm Lift


Transform Your Upper Arms

Do you struggle with loose or excess skin on your upper arms, whether it's due to significant weight loss, aging, or genetics? If you answered yes, then an arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, might be the ideal solution for you. This procedure aims to reshape and contour the upper arms by eliminating excess skin and fat. While working out and weightlifting can help tone arm muscles, once the skin is stretched, surgery is typically the only permanent treatment option available. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Hedi today to determine if this procedure aligns with your specific needs and goals.

What’s involved in an arm lift procedure?


This surgical procedure removes the excess skin between the armpit and elbow helping to lift and reshape the upper part of the arm. It typically takes a few hours and is performed under general anesthesia in our private surgery center.

What should I expect in terms of recovery after an arm lift?


A compression garment is worn for about 2-4 weeks following an arm lift surgery to help decrease swelling and improve contour. The scarring hidden under the upper arm is very thin and fades with time. We provide a post-surgery scar cream to all surgical patients to more quickly decrease the appearance of scarring.

Ready for the next step?

Discuss your individual goals with a caring and attentive professional today. We want you to feel heard, informed and confident about your beauty decisions.